Morning Stretch Yoga
Morning Stretch Yoga FOR ALL AGES & LEVELS (with Julie p.)
No experience needed! Stretch Yoga, is a stretching class with a focus on connective tissues and energies.
Stretch Yoga its known for its focus on postures which stretch the connective tissues. It's about settling into a pose, often supported by props such as yoga blankets and bolsters. Students will hold a pose for a longer period time.
Ease pain and stiffness.
A morning stretch yoga routine can help relieve stiff muscles and it can also benefit pain and improve circulation. As you stretch, you work through the tension in your muscles and joints. This can enhance your flexibility and reduce discomfort, so movement during your everyday activities is easier.
Beyond physical benefits, Stretch Yoga fosters mental clarity, reduces stress, rejuvenates fascia, promotes ligament and joint health, enhances flexibility, balances hormones, and alleviates anxiety and depression.
Mondays @ 10AM (1 hour) with Julie P.